- Kiss her with passion! Don't grope. Just take her face in your hands and make the world go away.
- Help her with the housework. You both work. It's your mess, too. Help her with the kids, the kitchen clean-up and the laundry. She'll appreciate it.
- Be kind to her. You'll be surprised how that kindness is returned.
- Take out the trash. Yes, us girly girls still want the man of the house to do the "yucky" stuff.
- Tell her you love her and mean it. She still needs to hear it.
- Share your dreams, thoughts, worries and feelings with her. She's your best friend. Communicate.
- Hug her.
- Leave her love notes-send her texts during the day. She loves knowing you're thinking of her.
- Wipe her tears. Listen to her fears. You can't cure them all, but listen and really hear.
- Hold her hand in public. Don't be afraid to let the world know you love this woman. It makes her feel like a queen.
- She's your best friend. Nurture this relationship over all others and you can grow old together with cherished memories.
I am a lucky woman who has been blessed with a man who knows these things from instinct and I cherish everyday we share together. Here's to 33 more!
you brought a tear to my eye! i'm so proud of you 8-)